Emotional, Joy and praise, as Sanwo-Olu And Aralola Host Hundred Street Boys And Girls at government house

By Taofik Afolabi
It was an emotional moment for both Lagos state governor, Mr. Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu and the pioneer and leading female talking drummer, Serifatu Olamuyiwa famously known and addressed as Aralola, as more than hundred street boys and girls were hosted by the governor yesterday.
Aralola, who is the brain behind ‘Eko Inspire me’ project have already indetified and mentored some of the street boys and girls however, she  brought her adopted children to the governor’s conscious and they were hosted by the Lagos state number 1 citizen and some of his cabinet members at government house.
The performing governor was ushered to the auditorium with special performance by Ara and her adopted children and it was an emotional moment for Mr.Governor who could not hide his emotional feeling. In his white agbada and buba, the amiable governor danced with the street boys and girls with amazement of his cabinet members
While making her speech, Aralola went down in memory lane of her first encounter with the street boys and how one of them who wanted to be like Professor Wole Soyinka spurred her to float an NGO that is going to rehabliate some of the street urchins but she later abandoned the project due to set back she met in her quest to achieve that.
She also spoke how she lost everything because she abandoned the project and how Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu made her dream to come to reality with a single phone call.
However, the Ondo born entertainer also talked how  she received  boost from former Nigerian president, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo who is back rolling the education one  of the rehabliated street boys to university level.
She also used the moment to go politically as she said openly that Sanwo-Olu is going to emerge the governor of Lagos state in 2023.
In his words, Sanwo-Olu thanked Aralola for her efforts to get some of the street girls and boys off the street. He said with her efforts she has helped the government to take some of the street boys and girls off the street and this deserves encomium and commendation.
He said ‘ We really thanked Aralola for assisting us in this capacity, she has able to reach where we were unable to reach as government. Governor also admonished the rehabliated youths to be good ambassadors and be source of hope and reference to other youths.
The governor also announced that the government is going to sponsor one hundred street boys and girls with vocational equipment and skills.
The rehabliated youths also went home with mouth watering gifts and other valuable item.

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