The above NAMED coalition which consists of members that hold on a high pedestal the philosophy of Asiwaju & with unrepentantly firm belief in the leadership of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu humbly wish to use this opportunity to address you this morning on the development as it relates to the choice of Minister for Ondo State.

As a coalition, our members cut across Ondo state and Nigeria, working in various parts for the benefit and progress of the party and the nation. Of utmost concern to us, for equity sake, is the issue of balance representation in the political space of Nigeria with respect to Ondo state in particular. Our resolve is founded in the belief that the constitution and leadership of Nigeria consciously and unconsciously strive towards an equal distribution of power so as to avoid dominance of one sector over another.

We further believe in the policy and posture of the Government of Nigeria under the able and capable leadership of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu (GCFR) to protect people and interest against another group of people and interest by ensuring equilibrium; and maintaining the stability of relations between people of Nigeria and various other interests.

We believe in a State with an internal balance between inter-related social phenomena and to external relationships the system maintains with its environment. As it stands in Ondo state today, the Ondo South Senatorial District has the Acting Governor and the fully assumed potential to produce the Next Governor of the State. They also boast of the incumbent Deputy Speaker in the Ondo State House of Assembly.

The Ondo Central Senatorial District has produced the last three Ministers from the state i.e;
1. Mrs. Omobola Johnson ​​Ondo West 2011 – 2015
2) Prof Daramola 2015–2019

2. Sen. Tayo Alasoadura​​Akure North 2019 – 2022
3. Prince Ademola Adegoroye ​Akure South 2022 – 2023. Currently, the Ondo Central Senatorial District is opportune to have the Special Advicer to Mr. President and the prospect of having the Deputy Governorship slot in the next year elections. The incumbent Speaker of the ODHA is also from the district.

Albeit the current Governor, God bless his health and soul, who is on the way out in a couple of months, is from the Ondo North Senatorial (Owo axis). The Akoko axis has been in the Federal space for almost two decades with ministers as Tokunbo Kayode SAN, Senator Robert Ajayi Boroffice, a three term Senator and so on. As at today, the incumbent Senator representing the Northern Senatorial District is from the Akoko axis while the representative in the Federal House is of Ose extraction.

We shall not fail to point out the fact and make it clear that Owo has the largest vote and economic capacity in the Ondo North Senatorial District and it is the traditional headquarter of the Progressives family in Nigeria. We have heard of many notable and worthy citizens of Ondo state being peddled for the Ministerial slot in the new administration and we will love to pitch our tent and all our resources with that personality who is a grass-root political mobilizer, industrialist, employer of labour and the key player in the economic and political sector in Ondo state and Nigeria; in the person of Chief Alex Ajipe.

Alex Ajipe’s curriculum vitae is there for all to see and the experience he has garnered coupled with the energy of the youths. We also make bold to point out that he is the only big fish from Ondo state who headed a committee under the Tinubu-Shettima Presidential Campaigning Council as the Director, Humanitarian and Social Directorate in the last general elections. His area of expertise include investments, Policy Formulation, Leadership and Capacity Development, Youth Engagement, Public Relations just to mention a few.

Alex Ajipe’s contributions to the growth of the IAR in some states in Nigeria, particularly in Ondo state is top-notch, his interests in developing the youth is commendably obvious through his foundation that has been awarding scholarship to students annually, he has invested heavily in order to assist government in job creation and youth empowerment bear testimony to his acumen, enterprise, productivity and progressiveness.

Hon. Ibrahim Tairu

Prince Adedayo Adeyefa

Comrade Abimbola Merit Ilaje Local Government

Abiodun Oladoyin
Ondo West.

Comerade Mutiu West
Akoko North East Local Government

Afolabi Kemi
Akure South Local Government.

Hon. Rotimi David Akoko South East Local Government.

Comrade Omolaja Bankole Adegnoyega
Ese-Odo Local Government.

Mr Ileola Victor
Ile-Oluji Okeigbo Local Government.

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