I was once a man with one cloth and cap- Top Islamic Cleric, Sheik Ahmad Anifulanny

Alhaji Sheik.Ahmad Olanrewaju Anifulanny is one of the popular Islamic clerics who are knowing for the propagating the words of Allah.

The Ilorin born scholar is also an entrepreneur and the CEO Sebilu Nnajat Concept program on social media and television. This program was established 13 years ago to provide succours to the not well to do in the society.

When fielding a question on the rationale behind the creation of Sebilu Nnajat Concert, Anifulanny said ‘ I was not born with silver spoon in my mouth, there was a time I had only one jalamia and cap to wear, I was also managed to rent one room apartment at ooutskirt of Ijegun.

It was this period that I told myself that if I have the grace and opportunity, I’m going to be of help to the less privilege ones in the society. We started Sebilu Nnajat concept 13 years ago, it was very rough when we started. I could recollect vividly that we were begging people to give us gifts, majority of them turned us down but today, we are thanking Allah.

For the last 13 years, we have touched lives of many people that I cannot even remember now.

Let me also use this enviable opportunity to appeal to the government and other well meaning Nigeria to identify with us, we have many people on our list to assist, we can not do it all’.

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