A chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Ondo state Chief Dr Alex Ajipe has felicitated with the Muslim Ummah on the occasion of this year’s Eid-el-Kabir celebration.

In his Sallah message to Muslims, issued by his Media Aide Solomon Adewoye called on the faithful to use the period for sober reflection and to imbibe the spirit of sacrifice for peace, unity and progress of the country.

Ajipe noted that peaceful co-existence and understanding as well as sustained prayers among citizens were essential in the face of the current economic and security challenges in the country, which are not insurmountable.

He said that Nigerians, irrespective of their religious, ethnic or political leaning, should join hands in support of the efforts of the Federal and State government towards revitalising the Nigerian economy.

“If we all come together irrespective of our religious, ethnic and political differences to contribute our own quota to the development of this country, I have no doubt in my mind that Nigeria will speedily overcome its current economic challenges,”

“Indeed, this is the time for Nigerians to keep hope alive, believing that with trust in God and unity of all, this ugly phase in the life of our nation will surely pass”.

“ Nigerians should also use the occasion to pray for the country and show love to one another, especially the downtrodden and the victims of the scourge of terrorism and banditry in our nation”.

“Therefore, We should stop inciting and inflammatory speeches that would over heat the polity and create more divisions and lack of sense of belonging”. Ajipe said

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