You have demonstrated your democratic credentials by moving onto the national- OPC New- Era

Oodua Peoples Congress, New Era, have desccibed the emerge of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, as the presidential candidate of the All Progressive Congress [APC] at the just concluded convention of the party as what he have demonstrated his democratic crediential by moving to the national.

In a press realesed signed by Chief Rasak Arogundade, the president of OPC New- his congratulatory messages to Asiwaju Ahmed Tinubu, for his emereges, he said it is a well deserved victory.

Arogundade said ‘’ Sir, it is a well deserved victory, the culmination of a well thought out and implemented strategy of consultations and negotiations. Although the process was -to say the least- tasking and fraught with obstacles, you took them in your stride, your astuteness as a planner and strategist coming to the fore to eliminate all forms of challenges that manifested along the way till you attained the ultimate diadem.

You have also demonstrated the unequal ability to manage men and resources to maximise the desired result, beginning with only you retaining your position among all the governors elected on the platform of the Alliance for Democracy [AD] at the beginning of this republic and culminating as a political Colossus for progressive politics.

From being the governor of just one state, you have demonstrated your democratic credentials by moving onto the national scene as the main promoter of progressive politics, building disciples and apostles along the way until not even your most ardent critic can deny your huge contributions,

Finally sir, I would like to remind you that you were an ever present ‘Rock of Gilbraltar’ for the Civil Society Organisations [CSO]; dependable and reliable. You helped such organisations as ours and many others too numerous to name, further the cause of democracy by standing in opposition against anti-democratic tendencies in our various spheres of operations.
You forever remain the Asiwaju of Lagos and indeed the Asiwaju of the whole of Nigeria as things stand today.

Again sir, accept my heartfelt felicitations as we look forward to a great working relationship with you as the substative president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. My regards to your family members who stood by through thick and thin, particularly Senator Oluremi Tinubu, your indefagitable wife.

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