10 Amazing Facts About Popular Islamic Singer, Alhaja Monsurat Akobi-Esan

Delectable Islamic singer, Monsurat Ajelero , popularly known as Akobi Esan, music runs in the family. One of her uncles was a musician and she learnt a lot about music from him.

1She is from Egun in Badagry

2 She is a graduate of Public Administration Lagos state University

3He started facing public crowd since 1999

4He was former member a group called Ansar-Ud-Deen Youth Association of Nigeria (ADYAN).

5 She released her first album 2009.

6 She has collaborated with Alhaji Kabiru Alayande Ereasalatu and Alhaji Abdulasam Azeez Abiodun k Saoty Arewa. I

7Her most successful and hit album is Ramadan that she did with Saoty Arewa

8 She has 10 albums to her credit.

9Her unique selling point is her sonorous voice.

10She learned the trade of music from her uncle who was a popular musician.

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