Debora Samuel’s killers must not go unpunished- Ogun Guber candidate, Doctor Samuel Adeyemi

The Action Alliance gubernatorial candidate in Ogun State, Doctor Samuel Adeyemi, has condemned the gruesome murder of Deborah Samuel, he however, called on government to bring out the perpetrators of the dastard act to serve as a deterrent to others.

He made this known thorugh his media released yesterday,in his word, he said,The dastardly act of murder committed by a mob of religious zealots and fanatics mascurading as students of the Federal College of Education Sokoto is very sad and unacceptable’’

Doctor Adeyemi added that the dehumanizing torture, death and burning of Miss Deborah Samuel, a second year student of the institution some days ago resulting from a comment made on a departmental WhatsApp template about Jesus being responsible for her outstanding performance in her examination must be condemned by all sane homo sapiens irrespective of religious affiliation.

He also said that this kind of incidence continues to happen because no appropriate punitive measures was taken against those that committed same kind of atrocity in the past.

Adeyemi said’’There is too much blood letting in this country. It was in Abuja few years ago where a lady preaching the gospel early in the morning with her loud speaker was attacked and killed. The question is “were the assailants arrested? Were they prosecuted? Have they been served appropriate punitive sentences?

He however said that the death of Deborah Samuel must not be in vain. All perpetrators must be brought to Justice and an end brought to this kind of mindless killing.

He now commiserate with her immediate and extended family at this hour of intense grief and pray that the Almighty will grant them the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss.

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