Henrich Akomolafe; between the type of Reps we need and the one we have

Obviously, momentum is gathering in the Nigerian political sphere, towards the 2023 general elections.

Election, one of the cardinal principles of a democratic setting profers opportunity for people to choose representatives, and there is no exception in Nigeria being a democratic nation.

Since 1999 that democracy returned to Nigeria after decades of military rule, we have had series of representatives at various levels of government. However, little progress is made in entrenching good governance and delivery of the dividends of democracy as it relates to the grassroots.

This misnomer, many analysts have blamed on the type of representatives we elected in the past. While few of them see political office as a call to service, many believe it is a chance to amass wealth and loot the common patrimony to the detriment of others, particularly the vulnerable.

Consequent to this, political observers feel the 2023 elections serve the right time to rewrite the wrongs and put Nigeria’s democracy on the path of honour.

Therefore, as we are going into parties’ primaries, there is a great need for all to choose candidate with pedigree and antecedent that fit the type of the representatives we need, rather than the crop of those we currently parade.

One of the type we need is Engr. Henrich Bankole Akomolafe, a very young and versatile man. Akomolafe is seeking to represent Ekiti South Federal Constituency 1 at the House of Representatives on the platform of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP).

He is tested and found to be a man with a clear mind and mission, with a humble and wealthy background, difficult to find in most people of his age. It is out of his philanthropic activities, that he found Henrich Football Club in Ekiti state, the on that is serving a means to live to many youths around, alongside other life-saving and improving services he had undertaken over the years.

His Passion for education is legendary, one of the reasons he reels out scholarship awards to secondary school students annually.

Who else is needed for the job than this destiny helper and altruistic politician. He will, no doubt, continue in this direction even after this election.

As a young political office seeker, without godfather, but reliance solely on God Almighty, our support is important to ensure the best flies the party ticket in the end.

Allowing this vibrant man to fly the party’s flag may probably make him the youngest member in the green chamber. He best exemplifies the Not-Too-Young-To-Run initiative, intended to break the elderly hegemony of political space in Nigeria.

He will definitely bring his wealth of experience from the entrepreneur’s world to the green chamber to better lots of his constituents.

As an advocate of young generation,
Engr Henrich Bankole is keen on working with the young promising Nigerians to build an egalitarian society.

As delegates file out tomorrow to elect PDP flag bearer, let’s support and vote the man, whose head the cap fits, and together we shall achieve an industrialised community.

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