Hope Rises for Ondo North as Ajipe Leads the Way to Senate

When it comes to effective representation and adequate leadership which are necessary factors in ensuring and facilitating a progressive socio-political system and as well the holistic advancement of our community, the qualities which the electorates should be looking forward to seeing and assessing when politicians come to them to seek their mandates are clear, simple and straight.

Alex Ajipe, CEO of KlickKonnect comes to the fore of the nation’s political settings with the much needed qualities to bring about a true representation for the people. More than ever when the sons and daughters of Ondo North Senatorial district needs a savior, a true and progressive candidate who not only has the charisma to woo the people, but also the will power and readiness to walk the talk and do the needful to bring the much needed dividends of a good democratic setting.

For a senatorial district who over the decades have missed out on many viable opportunities to push for the advancement of its people, despite the abundance of both human resources and natural resources, there is a need for a positive change. For a community of people who have less to show for the years in which they have always sent candidates to the nation’s legislative houses with nothing or less to show forth for it, there is a need for a change of narrative.

The mood among the people of the senatorial district is one which speaks of a bleak hope, a non-existent belief that things can be better and this is hugely caused by the failure of many of its elected candidates to deliver electoral promises for them.

However, the emergence of Alex Ajipe is one which has brought huge relief for the people, it is one which has ushered in for them a new ray of hope, his aspiration comes with a wave of excitement for the people because his name and person rings a bell of credibility and worthiness among the people.

The people needs not to move no extra mile to assess and attest to his very amiable qualities which qualifies him as a worthy candidate to represent the people at the red chamber come 2023. Talk about his personal qualities and traits, hailed from Emure-Ile, Owo, Ondo State, the business mogul, politician and philanthropist is a son of the soil with virtues which best qualifies him as a true Omoluabi. Readily accessible by all, he comes with a listening ear and a heart that loves without bitterness. His good person has seen him commit his resources to philanthropic activities through which he continues to positively impact lives, helping members of the community to have a better reality.

While he has not officially stated his intention to contest for the senatorial post, he has been considered by many as the man to bring the much needed change to the senatorial district. He holds an exceptional antecedent within both the economic and political landscape of the nation.

As an economist, he has with the Ondo State Government facilitated the rise of the economic fortune of the state, the Ondo Industrial Hub is among one of the numerous projects which he has helped the state to actualize as thousands of youths in the states has benefited directly and indirectly from the project, his brilliant ability to help the state attract both local and foreign investors has helped push the drive of the Akeredolu led administration to changing the identity of the state from a civil servant dominated state to an emerging industrial giant.

His political strength came to the forefront last year as he leads the biggest and the most powerful socio-political group, the Ibi-Giga Ambassadors, a group that was highly instrumental to the victory of Arakunrin Akeredolu in the last election, the group boast of a strong membership base across the 18 local government area of the state.

While the sheer reality that a true progressive, young and energetic man who is exceptionally brilliant and willing to is ready to give it his all in the next senatorial election come 2023. With the current political atmosphere in the Senatorial district, it’s quite and undeniably evident that the people of this region highly anticipate a new and different representation as many sons and daughters of this region believes that they could have gotten better from in terms of progress and development.

With the current achievements and unending list of achievements of Chief Alex Ajipe, it’s much evident that he is the man to lead the region to a new height of growth and development. He has successfully etched his way into the state socio-political discourse by making himself a man of value and substance, his contributions in recent years to the economic growth and development of the Sunshine State is unrivaled

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