If Care Is Not Taken, The Whites May End Up Teaching Our Children Our Language-Prince Olaniyi Oyatoye

A culture enthusiast, Prince Olaniyi Oyatoye has challenged media professionals especially those who ply their trade with the use of Yoruba language to rise up and defend the discrimination against use of the language in officials quarters.

Oyatoye who is the President of Asa Day Worldwide Inc., based in Canada said this during an interactive session with members of Guild of Yoruba Media Practioners, GYMP. He said, one of the ways to preserve our heritage is to allow the use of indigenous language in official quarters.

While commenting on the challenges faced by his group, Oyatoye also known as Baba Asa said while he is sold out to promoting Yoruba culture all over the world, there are challenges faced by him and his group which are frustrating.

He said, it is rather shocking that only the whites patronise the Museum he established in Canada, but very few natives have shown interest to learn from the cultural museum.

“We get invitations everyday from Canadians, Europeans, Americans, etc who want to learn about our culture. They travel from far and wide to visit and learn from the Museum, whereas our own people, whom we established the museum for dont even show interest. This is really scary!

“We are afraid because the whites or the west may end up teaching our children our culture and tradition in schools, and that is why our government especially in the South West should institutionalise the use of Yoruba language in official functions and day to day running of government.”

Prince Oyatoye therefore encouraged those who use the language as means of communication especially the Yoruba Media group to rise up and defend the language from going into extinction.

“I want to you to seek the help of United Nations, UN, in protecting the language, you may also need to reach out to UNESCO over the matter especially on how our schools can partner with Yoruba print media organisations amongst you. We are also ready to support you in this course, because our heritage, culture and language must not die.”
Oyatoye also hinted that the Asa Day celebration will hold in Abuja in June, while another one will in London and Canada in July and September.

The Chairman of the Guild of Yoruba Media Practitioners, Samuel Akinrole, thanked Baba Asa for being a good Ambassador of Yoruba heritage and for representing the course of the race, globally. He, however, assured Asa Day Worldwide of the support of the group.

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