Primate Ayodele Releases New Prophecies On 13 Countries

The Leader Of INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church, Primate Elijah Ayodele has released fresh prophecies for 13 African countries that includes Ghana, Mali, Sri Lanka, Haiti, Somalia, Ivory Coast, Zimbabwe, and several others.

In a statement signed by his media aide, Osho Oluwatosin, Primate Ayodele revealed what will be the fate of the countries in the coming days.

For Ghana, he made it known that the citizens will protest against the government and that the present party will not win the next election.

” Ghana citizens will protest against the government of Ghana, they will not vote for the party in the coming election, if Mahama contest now, he will win because the people are tired of this party.Let us pray against kidnapping, herdsmen attack in Ghana, the economy will become one of the worse in Africa. There will be total insecurity which will disqualify the present government.”

in Ivory coast, he noted that the current government will not be voted for again.

” The present government in Ivory coast will not be voted for again, the people will go on rampage against the activities of the present government. let them be very careful because this present administration will disappoint a lot of people, there will be confusion in the ruling party. People will start cursing the government because of different laws”

In Zimbabwe, he said the coming election will be full of fraud because it will not be free and fair

” The coming election in Zambabwe will be full of fraud, It will not be free and fair, the opposition will not get it. The election will not be democratic enough.”

In Uganda, the man of God said they will be faced with tough time as the president will face tough time.

” In Uganda, it will be a tough time, let them be careful because the military formation will be misinformed. Museveni will face challenges, let them pray against bomb blast, unexpected death, attacking of government parasatals. There will be disorganization in the country. Let them pray against attack in the borders.”

In Sudan, the man of God revealed that he doesn’t see peace in the country till democracy is in order.

” There will be no peace in Sudan until their democracy is in order, there will be problems and counter problems in the country”

In Libya, Primate Ayodele stated that there will be serious crisis in the country. He urged the the United Nations to intervene. He also said there will be constitutional issues that will affect the election date.

” There will be serious crisis in Libya. The UN should intercede so it won’t escalate, Libya needs prayers at this moment. The election in Libya will be dragging because of power tussle and let us pray against attack on their oil facility. There will be constitutional problems. If care isn’t taken, Libya democracy will still be stagnant”

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