Crisis in Lagos as herdsmen allegedly kill bus conductor over death of 2 cows

Crisis broke out on Monday morning at Age-Mowo area of Badagry when suspected herdsmen reportedly lynched a 30-year-old commercial bus conductor after their vehicle rammed into their herds killing two cows in the process.

The incident happened around 6:30a.m between Age-Mowo and Agogo-Igbala in Badagry. The driver of a J Five commercial bus with registration number FKJ 756 XH was coming with speed from Mile 2 while the two cows suddenly crossed the expressway.

The bus driver managed to escape unhurt while the bus conductor was not lucky. They removed his clothes and beat him to stupor. When he became unconscious they left him thinking for dead. The herders pounced on him again when he rose, moving towards Mowo Police station to seek refuge.

They ran after him, and caught up with him at about five meters to Mowo Police station where they eventually lynched him.

The thus events took a different turn when young men and women gathered to avenge the death of the conductor. The youths who were seeking justice refused to allow police to take the remains of the conductor to the mortuary until the arrival of Col. M A ABBA, the Commanding Officer of 243 Recce-Batallion Barracks.

The commanding officer appealed to the youths and members of the communities and assured them justice would be done over the killing.

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